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Nov 24, 2020

A discussion about practice warm-up sessions. What should their purpose really be? How can we innovate and re-design them to promote exploration and pave the way for motor learning?




Nov 17, 2020

A discussion with Frans Bosch about his new book, Anatomy of Agility – Movement Analysis in Sport. Why is it critical to take into account the body’s interests when coaching movement? Why is stability more important than perfecting a movement? How can a coach manipulate variability in practice to influence...

Nov 10, 2020

A discussion with Sian Beilock from Barnard College. Why does pressure affect different performers in different ways? What should be in your toolbox when preparing for a high pressure situation or recovering from a situation where you didn’t handle pressure as well as you would have liked? How can we best train to...

Nov 3, 2020

Revisiting the concept of “automaticity”. Does it still have relevance to understanding skilled performance? Should the goal of training really be to get a performer to a stage where they are doing things automatically? Or, is it time to retire this idea to the legends section of the motor learning hall of...