Jun 26, 2018
A discussion with Leonard Zaichkowsky & Daniel Peterson about their recently released book, The Playmaker’s Advantage: How to Raise Your Mental Game to the Next Level. What is “Athlete Cognition”? How can it be trained? How can coaches design practices to better mimic real-life competitive pressures?
Jun 19, 2018
As a coach, what should you do when your athletes do not seem to be responding to a new practice activity? Are there things you can change? What should you look for? When should you abandon it altogether and move on to something else?
Why the Constraints Led Approach is Not an All You Can Eat Buffett – Rob...
Jun 12, 2018
How do you know whether a training activity that is very different from your sport will lead to transfer? Is their value in non-specific practice? Does it depend on skill level? What is a donor sport?
Jun 5, 2018
Is it better for an athlete to develop pre-formed, reflexive responses that operate outside of consciousness (in other words, habits)? Or should we be focusing on cultivating adaptive skills that involve reflection and awareness?