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Jul 18, 2017

How effective are VEs for sports training? Have they achieved good fidelity? Can they induce competitive anxiety? Does augmentation help performance? Do they show evidence of transfer of training?



Distance Perception in Real and Virtual Environments

Do monocular time-to-collision estimates necessarily involve perceived distance?

Motion in depth: Adequate and inadequate simulation

Virtual exertions: evoking the sense of exerting forces in virtual reality using gestures and muscle activity

A comparison of the upper limb movement kinematics utilized by children playing virtual and real table tennis

Comparison of grasping movements made by healthy subjects in a 3-dimensional immersive virtual versus physical environment

Real Handball Goalkeeper vs. Virtual Handball Thrower

Hitting moving objects. The dependency of hand velocity on the speed of the target.

Bending It Like Beckham: How to Visually Fool the Goalkeeper

Visuomotor adaptation in head-mounted virtual reality versus conventional training

Feasibility of Training Athletes for High-Pressure Situations Using Virtual Reality

Visual Perspective and Feedback Guidance for VR Free-Throw Training

Virtual Visualization: Preparation for the Olympic Games Long-Track Speed Skating

Does a virtual audience influence rowing?

Virtual reality and exercise: Behavioral and psychological effects of visual feedback

Effect of virtual reality exposure and aural stimuli on eye contact, directional focus, and focus of attention of novice wind band conductors

Augmented feedback presented in a virtual environment accelerates learning of a difficult motor task.

Transfer of skill from a virtual reality trainer to real juggling

Virtual realities as optimal learning environments in sport – A transfer study of virtual and real dart throwing

Transfer of Complex Skill Learning from Virtual to Real Rowing


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