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Dec 6, 2016

A look at visual channeling theory and its consequences for perception. Why are some people blind to approaching objects in certain areas of their visual field and what implications does it have for sport?



The Charles F. Prentice Award Lecture 1990: specific tests and specific blindnesses: keys, locks, and parallel processing

Visual field defects for unidirectional and oscillatory motion in depth

Impaired Velocity Processing Reveals an Agnosia for Motion in Depth


More information:

My Research Gate Page (pdfs of my articles)

My ASU Web page

Podcast Facebook page (videos, pics, etc)



The Flamin' Groovies - Shake Some Action

Beggar’s Velvet – Blind

Gentleman Jesse – If I Can See You

5440 – I Go Blind

Mark Lanegan - Saint Louis Elegy

via and